Welcome to Fairyland ~ Please, stay as long as you like!

Fairyland is a magical corner of the internet devoted to my (Lovely's) art and interests! It can be enjoyed on any device oriented in a landscape position and while there is javascript, most of the site should function without it ♥

I hope you will be curious enough to click around all of the various pages, but either way, here is a very simplified guide to get you started: Looking for something visual? Art Gallery! Something written? Blog! Feel like playing dress up? Fun & Games! Want coloring pages? Adoptables? Visit my shop! There's also a little friend in the upper corner who can do some magic if you ask politely.. Go on, don’t be shy.

Lastly: Don't forget to sign the guestbook! And let me know if you link me so I can maybe link you back :)

Most Recent Update: (Pending!)

About Me!

Hello! My name is Maria, but I go by Lovely on the internet. I'm a full-time artist and animator, hoping to support myself entirely with my art! My dream is to make an animated series called Fairy Best Friends, following the adventures of two fairies: Juliette and May. Most of my art and writing center around them and the fantastical world they live in.

I also like to write about my life as an artist and stay-at-home granddaughter. I've had many adventures in the past, but right now I see my life as a cozy, slice-of-life anime, with a little bit of a shoujo feel. I love to bake, crochet, read, spend time with my cat, and garden.

My greatest inspirations for my art and worldview are honestly children's media of the 80s and 90s. Most of which I grew up on, but I actually didn't discover Sailor Moon ~ arguably my biggest artistic influence ~ until a couple of years ago! Care bears, Hello Kitty, Sailor Moon.. All of these shows teach us the importance of kindness, community, and standing up against injustice. I do my best to uphold those sentiments in the same fun and colorful way!

simple, sketchy illustration of me, the artist

24 | she/they | capricorn

Fun Facts:

If I were an affinity fairy, my affinity would be "connection" and my symbol would be a heart inside a heart!

My Guardian Muse is Erato, muse of poetry and the sea ~